Angelica's "Reawakening"
I am Francesca, Angelica's mother. Angelica is 12 years old, and she suffers from a chronic illness. In 2021, after unsuccessful therapies, we introduced the ketogenic diet. It was not an easy path, but in the end, this ketogenic diet improved her health and allowed her to return to dancing.
Angelica's Story
Angelica is 12 years old and she is in the seventh grade. Amidst ups and downs and periods of hospitalization, she continually seeks the joy of living, despite all the challenges. In May 2021, after several unsuccessful therapies, we decided to embark on a new journey, one filled with new foods and flavors - this journey is called the ketogenic diet!
What can I say... it was a turning point!
But hold on, it wasn't always easy, and not everything went as smoothly as oil in a ketogenic diet! We had moments of despair, struggled with low ketone levels, and I personally had my battles with an extremely precise scale, which was traumatic for someone like me, who is anything but precise in the kitchen. For Angelica, it was tough to give up pizza and ice cream. But after all these battles and sacrifices, we finally had our reward: the diet had a positive impact on Angelica's health, and she could finally continue with rhythmic gymnastics after nearly 2 years when seizures prevented her from training.
We were patient, persistent, and we were rewarded. Many times, we could have thrown in the towel and given up! But we had great confidence in this dietary therapy, and it was right not to give up.
We don't know how long Angelica will continue with the ketogenic diet, but if it allows her to improve her quality of life and do everything she loves, then we are willing to stick with it for the rest of her life.
If there's one thing we've definitely learned in these two years of the diet, it's that food is a powerful ally for health. Learning not to be afraid of using unfamiliar foods can bring great satisfaction!
Food is life!
Francesca's advice:
Educate yourselves thoroughly! There are many online articles and recipe examples that can give you insight into what to expect.
Trust the nutrition experts and doctors for any questions, uncertainties, or problems, especially in the beginning when everything is new and different.
Join a group that shares this diet. In my case, I'm talking about the GLUT1 syndrome. This group has truly helped me a lot. Here, you can hear other mothers' experiences, get clarifications on specific questions, find meal inspirations, or simply find comfort when needed.