How can we help you?

Kanso products

Discover our wide range of ketogenic and MCT-rich products

Why is Kanso the perfect partner for

your Ketogenic Diet?


Kanso offers a wide range of products developed to support your Ketogenic Diet. From ready-to-eat meals to high-fat ingredients that help you achieve the ideal Ketogenic Ratio, all of Kanso's products are tailored to meet your needs.

Our mission is to make your Ketogenic Diet easier, healthier, and more diverse.


Scroll down to learn more about your favorite product.

  • Tasty and effective

    Kanso products blend flavor with therapeutic effectiveness.

  • Actually Ketogenic

    Each Kanso product is characterized by a high fat and low carbohydrate content.

  • With MCT fats

    Our products contain MCT fats that have particularly ketogenic effects and possess seizure-reducing properties.

Kanso DelíMCT Champignons
Kanso DelíMCT Tomato
Kanso KetoEpi 2:1
Kanso KetoEpi creamy 2:1
Kanso KetoBiota
Kanso MCT Oil 100 %
Kanso MCT Oil 100 % (6 g sachets)
Kanso MCT Oil 77 %
Kanso MCT Margarine 83% MCT
Kanso KetVit
Kanso MCT Cream
Kanso MCT CacaoBar