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Vanilla cookies



Provides 2399.5 kcal per 535.0 g


30 ml KetoEpi creamy (Kanso) 
150 g Almonds, ground
20 g Coconut flour
20 g Golden linseed flour
170 g MCT Margarine 83 % (Kanso) 
55 g Egg
90 g Erythritol
1 pinch Vanilla, ground
Used Kanso products
Kanso KetoEpi creamy
Kanso MCT Margarine 83% MCT
Step 1

Preheat oven to 170 °C (convection oven).

Step 2

Mix KetoEpi creamy, ground almonds, coconut flour, golden linseed flour, MCT Margarine 83 %, egg, 60 g Erythritol and 1 pinch of ground vanilla in a bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Step 3

Form half moons from the dough, place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in the preheated oven for 20 - 25 minutes.

Step 4

Meanwhile, powder the remaining Erythritol for dusting in a high-powered blender or leave it coarsely granulated, then blend with the remaining ground vanilla.

Step 5

Remove the vanilla cookies from the oven, let cool and dust with the Erythritol vanilla mixture.

Nutritional values


Total (50 cookies - 535.0 g) Per cookie (10.7 g)
Ketogenic Ratio 3.3:1 3.3:1
Energy (kcal) 2399.5 48.0
Fat (g)  227.4 4.6
of which MCT (g) 116.1 2.3
Carbohydrates (g) 13.6 0.3
Protein (g) 56.2 1.1