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Kanso DelíMCT CacaoBar

Lebensmittel für besondere medizinische Zwecke (bilanzierte Diät)

Ketogene Kakao Täfelchen mit mittelkettigen Fettsäuren

  • Ketogener Quotient 4,8:1
  • Enthält 21g MCT-Fett / 100g
  • Ballaststoffreich (18,9g / 100g)
  • Niedriger Zuckergehalt (1g / 100g)
  • Hochkalorisch (145 kcal / 25g Täfelchen)
  • Als Snack zur Energieanreicherung geeignet
Ketogene Diät
Ab 3 Jahre
Verordnungs- und Erstattungsfähig

Frequently asked questions

Shelf life and storage

What is the shelf life of DelíMCT CacaoBar?

Unopened, the minimum shelf life is 18 months.

How to store DelíMCT CacaoBar?

Store protected from light and dry at maximum 18°C. If the product is exposed to low temperatures, white spots may appear on the surface; when the product is brought back to room temperature, it will resume its normal appearance.

Dosage and preparation

How should DelíMCT CacaoBar be dosed?

Dosage must be determined by your physician or dietitian and is dependent on age, weight, and your individual diet plan.

Do I need to incorporate DelíMCT CacaoBar slowly into my diet?

DelíMCT CacaoBar contains MCT fats. In order to increase tolerance, we recommend to incorporate the product gradually into the diet.

Can I use DelíMCT CacaoBar for cooking and baking?

DelíMCT CacaoBar can be heated carefully. You can find several recipes with KetoEpi creamy and other Kanso products under the category "Recipes" and in our Kanso app.

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